43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Photography Test Shoots

Photography Test Shoots
For this image, it's a medium close up portrait shot of my model on location. She is framed in the higher rule of thirds, with her eye line having direct address to the reader. Her body posture suggests a professional and serious look, with the her hand positioned on her hip to reinforce this. This image would be suitable to use on a front cover page or a double page spread, as it represents the models persona to be dark, serious and hidden - which should 'intrigue' the reader. 

This image was taken in a studio, with a three point lighting set up and white screen. It is shot as a medium close up portrait photograph - which would be suitable for a front page or double page spread.The model at the back is framed higher than the other two, suggesting her status in the band. The two models at the front are framed lower, with their hands trying to 'grab the camera'. This suggests the image presents a 'in your face' and that the photo has been take directly for the reader.
This image is similar to the one above, as it is a medium close up portrait shot, which is also shot in a studio with a three point lighting set up. Once again, the model at the back is framed higher than the other two models, reinforcing her status and 'front female' role. To differentiate this photo from the one above, the models were asked to pull a different facial expression which portrays a different image about the image the models are trying to represent. 
This image is framede landscape, once again in a studio with a three point lighting set up. One again, the lead singer is positioned centre, with a higher eye line than the other two members. The other two members are leaning in towards the front female, to reinforce dominant ideologies of traditional female front women roles to be the most popular and in the limelight more.

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