43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Action Plan

Week commencing 7th February.
This week I am starting my production on my magazine. I have a rough cut deadline for Wednesday 2nd March to work towards. Therefor, I must organise my time as follows:

Article Drafts - Monday 14th February 
I have set myself this deadline as I feel I will be able to research, plan and create a rough draft of my article for my DBS by this time. 

Photography - Wednesday 16th February
I have set myself this deadline as I feel it is a reasonable length of time to get my photography done from now - considering I am doing location and studio shoots. (I have also already done my double page spread photo's)  Alongside this, I think I will also be able to start construction my DBS and Contents page. 

Double Page Spread and Contents Construction - Friday 18th February
I have set myself the deadline of this date, as I feel this deadline is something I can be working on after I have my article draft, and then my photography following. I will also be able to create a structure and layout for these before hand, and then insert my photography and article once finished. 

Front Cover Construction - Wednesday 23rd February
I have set myself this deadline as I can continue constructing my front page over the holidays at home, with photoshop at home. I also feel this is long enough time between constructing my DPS and Contents in order to meet these deadlines.

Final Construction - Tuesday 1st March
I have set myself this deadline for final construction to be met, as it allows any time for quick last minute editing before the overall deadline on the 2nd. 

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