43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Friday 4 February 2011

Location Recce

Location Recce
 For two of my images, I will be using the studio with a lighting set up. The following images are of the studio, showing it's size, location and possible hazards that it may include. From the images, is it clear that the photography studio is a safe, hazord free working environment in which I can use to take my photos for my magazine. Also by using this location, it allows me to shoot with a white drop background - which I intend to use for the photography on the front cover of my magazine. Moreover, it is possible to use this location.

Hazard Evaluation and Risk Assessment.
The two forms below are my Hazard Evaluation forms my photography location Recce. The first is for the Castle Keep (Newcastle), where I shoot my photoshoot for my double page spread photography. From my evaluation, I found there were only 3 possible hazards which may restrict the profeciency and saftey of my models during this photoshoot. They were; manual handling, costume and make up, weather. From shooting on location, the weather is always a factor that will effect how my photography will end up. Fortunatly, the weather was suitable for how I wanted to represent my genre in my magazine. The costume and make up were also able to be done, at a nearby indoor location, not too far from my shooting location. After shooting, manual handling was no longer an current hazard, as the location was left derlict and there were no props or different equiptment needed.

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