43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday 3 February 2011

Font Research

The font below, 'A Bite'  is from http://www.dafont.com/ which I seleted from the 'Eroded' section. I like this font as it looks mysterious, dangerous and represents thet exts in a artistic/graffiteed way, which from my research, fits my genre quite well.

  • 'You Are Loved' This font is from www.dafont.com which I selected from the 'Eroded' section. Initially, I like this font as it creates a rocky, distruptive image which I intend to represent in my magazine. 
  • 'Hard Rock' is also from dafont, as chosen from the 'Headliner' section. I intend to use this as the mast head of my magazine, as from m y research, buble and block writing is used often - to make an statement and stand out to readers. ]
  • 'Dead Kansas' is a font I intend to use for mainly my sell lines or text in my double page spread, as it is bold and clear. Also,it contrasts well with:
  • Viper Nora' which I intend to use vise versa to this font. These two fonts are very similar, yet work well together into creating a stereotypical rock genre to my magazine.  
The texts I have chosen are not definate fonts I will use, as during production I aim to experiment further with fonts that work well together, overall conforming to constructing a magazine that fits my rock/pop genre.

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