43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

43221 Darlington, Queen Elizabeth

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Flat Plans

The following images are the flat plans for my rock/independent music magazine. It is important to create this, as they are the basis of what I intend to produce my finished magazine like. I have created a front page, contents page and a double page spread, which are based upon my own ideas.

  • For the mast head, I have decided to use a block bold uppercase font, so it stands out and looks alarming. I am not sure as to what colour it should be, although I do want it to be a part of the black, white and red colour pallet that I am using for my magazine 
  •  My sky line will be a black banner with white and red bold writing over the top, using a binary opposition to attract tension to the sky line. From my research, I found that this is a good technique to use into producing recognizable continuity through-out a popular magazine of this music genre, therefor I will aim to imitate this style. 
  •  For my main image, I intend to shoot a medium close up shot preferably of either 3 models or 5 models, as from my research I found that many front cover photographs, the positioning bands/models/artists repeatedly follow a pyramid structure, to represent status and dominance within the group.  For my photograph, I intend to use a lead female model, who will be positioned center and further forward than the rest of my models. By doing this, it will challenge gender stereotypes of femininity dominance in rock/pop band, which reinforces the ideologies of this genre. 
  • For my banner across my page, I will either use a red or black block banner which will contain information, images and brushes will inform the reader what is in the magazine. I will once again conform to my colour scheme and use either white or red block text on this background, to make it stand out and alarming to readers.
  • In order for my magazine to look professional, I will also include a : barcode, price of the magazine, issue number, publishing information and the date of when the magazine is published and valid till. From my research, I found that these are the common features of a front cover page, which I intend to include in my own magazine.

For my contents page, I have seperated the layout into 4 different sections. One is for a featuring landscape image, which I will take myself of my models.This may be altered during my production, as I am unsure of how my photography will turn out or which shots will look best for my contents page. Although, I do intend to defiantly include a main featuring photograph, which will be proportionality bigger than the other images used on my contents page. This will indicate to the readers that this is headlining feature of the magazine.
 Another section is 'readers collums', which includes photographs of regular readers having their input into the magazine. For this, I will use photographs of my models or photographs I have already taken. When designing my magazine, I may choose to alter or remove this column, as from my research, I only found this idea popular in 1 or 2 magazine that fell into this genre. In some magazines like RockSound, this features was later on in the magazine, but was still an important aspect of the magazine, as it allows the reader to feel a part of the magazine.
Below this is a section which includes a montage of images of featuring bands/artists, with appropiate page numbers on the top. This also makes the contents page become more visual, attractive and interesting to the readers eye, and allows new readers to firstly see what images of the type of bands that fall into this genre of music. 
The above is my flat plans for my double page spread. I have decided to split the spread into two sections, over the two pages. On the left, I will use a full page image of the band I am featuring. This allows the readers to 'connect' with the band and to new readers, visually show them a little about the band - who they are, what they look like and a general introduction to them.
On the right, will be my article of the band, which will be structured into 3 columns and have a text quote insertion. I am unsure as to what type of article will be, although I intend to fully interview my artists, which will allow me to either write a question - answer interview, or an structured interview based on the questions asked. 
To make my magazine conform to a professional structure , I will include page numbers, the name of the photographer and model names, the name of the magazine, which are features included in most magazines on a double page spread. 

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